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Fynn Bullock


What was one of the best moments on your wakeboard?

I really love going to contests and traveling, seeing my friends and getting to watch all of the progression go down!

What lessons has wakeboarding taught you?

Wakeboarding has taught me to work hard for what you want and to keep pushing for you’re dreams.

What does it mean to ride for LF?

Riding for LF is being apart of such an amazing family of riders.

Who or what inspires you?

My mom is my biggest inspiration because she works so hard at what she’s good at.

What do you think you are doing too much of or too little of because of wakeboarding?

I think I’m buying to much gas.


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24 Bullox

Fynn's Board of Choice

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Fynn's Binding of Choice





Best LF Memory?

LF Team Shoots...100%.

What is your spirit animal and why?

I believe mine is a wolf probably because I love spending time with my family and enjoy being outside and active.

Describe yourself in one sentence?


Biggest inspiration?

My Mom, she is one of, if not the most dedicated and hard-working people I know.

What is your favorite trick to watch?

A good method glide or the DMD flip/rotary dial that Dowdy does.

Favorite snack?

Sour patch kids.

Winch or Cable?

I don't think there is a best anymore. They're all insane now.

Which rider would you say has the best style?

Raph Derome.

Why should people support LF or ride LF product?

Because we have the best products for any riding style and level.

Why wakeboarding and what brought you here?

I fell in love with the sport on day one and haven't stopped wanting to be the best.

What are the top 3 wake parks around the world?

Whatever lake has the best glass.

You have unlimited budget for a wake trip, where is it, who is with you and what does it look like?

I would love to take a trip to Italy to ride Lake Como and rip the cable parks. The crew would be Joe Battleday, Guy Firer, Daniel Grant, Raph Derome, Sam Brown, Pedro Caldas, and the Stucky brothers.

Best wake memory of the last year?

Too many to name, but just having the best season riding and competing.

Any upcoming projects you are hyped on?

I've got some stuff in the works, but I am also very excited about Raph's final part.

What do you like to do outside of Wakeboarding?

Shoot videos and photos, hang out with my animals and family, and Snowboard.

Favorite isle in the grocery store?

Either snack aisle or candy.

Dream job?

What I'm doing now (Wakeboarding & Snowboarding).

Do you play a musical instrument?

I used to play drums and guitar, but I can still play a little piano.

If you could be a pro in another sport what would it be?

Does my snowboarding count?

First thing you do when you wake up?

Let my dog out, brush my teeth and go ride.

Biggest accomplishment in life?

Making a name for myself in both sports and getting a pro model board.

Biggest Goal in life?

I want to continue making a career for myself and become successful in both sports.

Country you want to visit the most?
