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Home Lake

My Bathub.

What is your job?

Production / Supply Chain Manager

What do you do when you’re not working?

Hang with Family, Run, Bike, Swim, Foil, Winging, Triathlon.

You make the best...

Smiles on my peeps!

Favorite riding spot?

Anywhere on Maui, HI or Mission Bay San Diego, both foiling and riding bikes.

Quote to live by?

Make sure it is fun.

Least favorite animal?


Weapons of choice?

Freedom Session Wing and LF Orb w/ Horizon 155 Foil.

Favorite food?

Maple Glazed Doughnuts from VG's.

Best part of working for LF?

Being a part of the family.

Parting words…

Keep a youthful mind because this is the oldest you have ever been.