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Overall Season Relentless Domination

What up LF’ers!


Its officially the end of the northern hemisphere season here, but of course always happy to see the southern hemisphere heating up! And because it is the 2024 season, I am stoked to recap some rankings with our team athletes.


You all know of the same motto I have been using all season long, Relentless Domination. Well as expected, our team completely dominated! There is a website/event company by the name of Wake.House. You all might be familiar with them already, but in case you are not, they are the ones that put on the Embily open events. They are super rad as its almost as if there is a new non regional federation. But on top of events, they have a very well put together site that has about everything you want to know as far as events and athletes go in the park side of things. 


Now that the season is over, Wake.House has completed their full compiled results to rank park riders. The use a formula that mixes podium placements at events (all park events, WWA, Red Bull, Embily, IWWF…..etc), video parts and social media metrics. They use all these statistics to plug it into a formula to produce a ranking number amount. 


Ok now that I have explained how it works, let’s get to the results. In pro men, LF had Gavin Stuckey take 2nd overall, following by Joe Battleday in 4th, Guenther Oka in 5th, Loic Deschaux in 6th and Busty Dunn in 7th. Pretty insane to have half of the top 10 spots locked up by our team. Congrats guys!


Now onto the ladies.  Claudia Pagnini ended her season in 3rd, followed by Rivers Hedrick in 4th, Sanne Mejier in 5th, Nicole Regazzo in 6th and Meagan Ethell in 10th! Just like the men, the ladies owned it taking half of the top 10 spots. Well done ladies!


What’s really cool is they also do wakeskate, and to no surprise, Daniel Grant came in 2nd! Yea DG, congrats!


On a completely separate note, this past Friday was Active Watersports annual event “Evening with the Stars” and Luca Kidd and Shane Bonifay showed up in the best of style! It was 90s themed and you know Shane brought the heat. Dressed in a pointless tee, wakepants and some speeders for sunglasses, Shane definitely won the style award. Luca of course was dripped out well too in 90s and he always brings the party, so you know it was a big success.


Til the next episode!